About our Founders –
Gerry and Janet Morrell
Gerry and Janet Morrell founded Morrell Graphics (now Morrell Printing Solutions, LLC) on September 15, 1975. Over the forty nine years (and counting) we have had four locations, all along Public Road in Lafayette, including our current (and largest) space at 990 S. Public Road. Gerry retired from the printing business in 2000 to take the role of Fire Chief for the City of Lafayette. Janet continued to work at the shop until her retirement in 2021. They passed the business along to the next generation and it continues to be owned and operated by their four children: Jim, Jeff, Kristel and Matt. Janet still helps out with the bookkeeping here and there, and Gerry keeps him self busy with his nature photography – his work can be seen throughout our lobby and on his website.
Click here to visit Gerry’s Nature Photography site.